Purisma Creek Rewoods Open Space Preserve: Surrounded by Towering Redwoods

September 13, 2016

The drive up to the trailhead was pretty scenic. After passing through cool and foggy Half Moon Bay and turning onto Purisma Creek Canyon Road, the fog disappeared and the sun shone intensely as I passed a lot of grassy hillsides dotted by cows and the occasional house.

For much of Purisma Creek Redwood Trail, it is relatively flat with some incline and mostly shaded. I noticed that families stuck to the beginning of Purisma Creek Redwood Trail and turned back, which makes it a nice gentle stroll for those looking for an easier hike.

After awhile, second-growth redwoods start popping up here and there. These young trees are around 100 years old, while old growth forests can reach ages of around 1,000 years old. Truly incredible until a lot of the woods were cut down in the early 20th century.

The redwoods are in full force towards the end of the Purisma Creek Redwood Trail and the beginning to middle of the Craig Britton trail. The bench at the beginning of the Craig Britton trail was a bit of a let down. The bench is in memory of a trail stalwart. This rest stop doesn't provide a grand overlook - it's a view of numerous redwood trees, which there are plenty more along the trail.

Although the hike is long in terms of mileage, the trail is surprisingly fairly even with the occasional climb and descent. Though, don't let the climb at the end of the Craig Britton trail fool you. This open exposure section has lovely grasses and flowers and even views of the ocean!

Be careful of the hill on the descent of the Harkins Ridge Trail. This trail is brutal if you're interested in doing the trail clockwise, as the trail is mostly exposed, has a fairly steep elevation change and can be slippery with a lot of loose dirt and rocks. After awhile, the trail leveled out for a bit, giving my knees a break after going down the hill before going for another round of a steep descent.

Cross the bridge and you're back at the trailhead!

Purisma Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve: Purisma Creek - Craig Britton - Harkins Ridge Trail
Start: Purisma Creek Canyon Road parking lot
Duration: 2-3 hours
Difficulty: moderately easy
Length: 7.1 miles
Danger: steep hill on Harkins Ridge Trail
Exposure: mostly shaded in the beginning, open towards the middle and end
Crowd factor: moderately low

(hike completed in June 2016)

Happy travels!

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