Southwest Road Trip: Day 7: Arches National Park - Windows Section

August 10, 2015

After an exhausting day at Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, and spending the day hiking both Landscape Arch and Delicate Arch, we decided that it would be well worth the lack of sleep to catch a sunrise hike at the Windows section before heading back to Las Vegas. Well, that didn't go according to plan because we slept through our alarms... We arose at 8:30, obviously missing the sunrise, quickly packed up and decided to not hike and do a drive through of the Windows Section instead.

First up, the famed Fiery Furnace! Gosh, it looks so random and beautiful and an excellent place to explore.

I guess you can call our quick scenic driving tour of the Windows Section a "drive-by shooting," haha

I was so sad after leaving the Windows Section. I definitely want to check out the Fiery Furnace in the future. It seems like an exciting hike, and I'm all about the adventure. Arches still has so much to offer and this was also the last stop of our road trip. I really do wish that we had more time to spend at Arches... 'til next time!

On the way back to Las Vegas, I was surprised that the speed limit was 70 mph! It's rare in California :o I think we must have missed it when we snuck into Zion at night.

We didn't do much in Las Vegas. I think our energy was zapped from the week and from driving so we strolled around casually. I had been to Vegas before as a young child, and all I remember was how hot it was! When we got back into Las Vegas, we relaxed in the hotel until nighttime. My friend was so giddy to see Sin City in its prime hour (nighttime). Las Vegas has a lot more casinos and shopping than I remember...

The next morning at the airport, we bid our bittersweet goodbyes, as we parted ways.

Thank you dear reader for coming along this adventure with us!

Happy travels,

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