Pace Art + Technology: teamLab

August 30, 2016

With the breakneck speed that Silicon Valley is moving, sometimes an opportune moment presents itself to stop and step aside to view something else from another perspective. At the Pace Art + Technology center, teamLab, a team of Japanese artists that focus on a harmonious circle uniting art, design, and technology, presented scaled media using modern technology, social integration of human involvement, and progressive innovation.

Light Sculpture of Flames (2016)

clockwise from left: Flowers and People - Gold (2015), Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to Chase as Well, Division in Perspective - Light in Dark (2014),  Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together (2015)

Crystal Universe (2015)

The most enjoyable feature of this exhibition is determining an equilibrium for the senses, for the visual sensation, for tactile approaches, direct interaction with exhibits and indirect responses to people's reactions.

I also visited the kid space in a separate building, and enjoyed coloring a fish, scanning it, and seeing it swim and dance on a seascape on a wall in a room.

Pace Art + Technology: teamLab: 300 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, California


(gallery visited in April 2016; the exhibition ends in December 2016)

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