Southwest Road Trip: Day 5: Escalante Petrified Forest State Park

July 27, 2015

We had tried to go to Grosvenor Arch in Grand Staircase National Monument. However, we came across a bank where there was some leftover water. We were aso getting nervous because our Toyota Yaris, well-loved for its gas mileage, does not do well in areas where clearance and rough terrain is in question.

We backed out, and headed back onto byway 12. I was in the passenger seat, reading different excerpts from the guidebook about the area. My friend became giddy when she started hearing me talk about petrified things. So, that’s how we ended up at Escalante Petrified Forest State Park. It is a state park, so our national park pass does not apply. (People may buy an annual pass that grants access to all of Utah’s state parks.) We were lucky to keep cash on hand, as the entrance fee is $8.

There is only one hiking trail, though we spotted several RVs camping out and the reservoir (used for irrigation) is stocked with fish. People can boat and fish there if they’d like. We went there to hike, so we began our journey. The Petrified Forest Trail climbs quite fast, and all of a sudden, there’s a grand view of the reservoir. We didn’t know what to look for and kept searching for something “petrified.” Hint: the first big collection is at the junction of the Sleeping Rainbows trail. We were so dazzled by the pretty colors!

We encountered other hikers who recommended the Sleeping Rainbows trail. We also highly recommend it because the mother lode of petrified logs is all along this trail. The amount of petrified logs on the Petrified Forest Trail is limited to that small area near the junction of the Sleeping Rainbows trail. The Sleeping Rainbows trail is a short hike and has several rocks to scramble over, as well as high steps down and back up.

It’s so tempting to take a piece home, but please don’t. Just take pictures :)

Petrified Forest Trail (loop)
Start: from parking lot
Duration: 1/2 to 1 hour
Difficulty: easy-moderate (short but uphill incline)
Length: 1 mile

Sleeping Rainbows Trail (point-to-point addition leading back to Petrified Forest Trail)
Start: from Petrified Forest Loop at top of the hill
Duration: 1/2 to 1 hour
Difficulty: moderate (short descent, ascent and climbing over logs and rocks)
Length: .75 mile

Happy travels!

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