National Parks of America Map

May 11, 2015

Okay, I know I was procrastinating on finishing up documenting my southwest travels. It's been over a month now and I just finished posting about day 2! To be fair, I have many photos to go through, and it's a struggle to selectively choose which photos to upload here that best highlight the trip.

So, instead, I roamed the web, and found out that one of the Instagrammers I follow, Jen Ho of hellohoku, makes wayfinding maps! I absolutely love maps and wayfinding of all sorts. Even my senior project was based on the design of subway maps around the world. From her blog, South Pointing Fish, I was inspired by this map and decided to make my own version, documenting which national parks that I've 'conquered.' After all, for the Utah trip, I did purchase an America the Beautiful pass, so I will do my best to head out as many national parks I can in the coming year.

map of national parks in america

(For a larger version, head to my design portfolio.)

Will you be heading out to any national parks in your area?

Happy travels!

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